Bedroom Plants to Help You Sleep Better

Bedroom Plants to Help You Sleep Better

Difficulty sleeping leads to lower productivity, lack of energy and poor health. Stress and anxiety cause most sleep-related issues. Many studies show that being surrounded by nature helps lower cortisol level and blood pressure. It also boosts immune function and triggers relaxation. In addition, plants purify air by absorbing odours and molds that can impact breathing and lung health.

Read bellow to find out which plants work best for you!

Useful Tips
If you have pets or children, make sure the plants you have at home are non-toxic. Toxic plants should be given away or kept in unreachable places.

Wipe off dust from the leaves of your plants every week. This will ensure that they can properly filter air.

NASA recommends between 15-18 air purifying plants for a 1800 square feet home. Make sure to place a few in each bedroom.

1. Jasmine

Jasmine is a bushy and trailing plant with delicate white or pink flowers. Jasmine is known to lower anxiety, which helps lull you to deeper, more restful sleep.

Keeping a jasmine plant in your bedroom at night will contribute to increased alertness and productivity during the day. Plus, it has a delicate and refreshing scent!

2. Lavender

Lavender has one of the most well-known sleep-inducing aromas. It’s known to slow down heart rate and lower blood pressure and stress levels.

One study found that it reduced crying in babies and helped them sleep. This greatly lowered stress for mother and child. In women, lavender facilitates light sleep and decreases rapid-eye movement during sleep. It also reduces the time it takes to fall asleep.

3. Snake Plant
Snake plants are one of the easiest plants to take care of. It can be watered as little as every 2-3 weeks.

Like most plants, it thrives off carbon dioxide at night and turns it into oxygen. Studies show that increased oxygen levels lead to better sleep.

Snake plant also clean airborne toxins like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene.

4. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a great plant for people who don’t have a green thumb. It tolerates neglect and missed waterings. The plant reproduces easily, meaning that one plant will spawn enough babies to fill your home.

Slicing aloe vera lengthwise releases gel that can be used to relieve minor cuts and burns, insect bites, dry skin and sunburns.

5. Gardenia
Gardenia blooms fill your home with a lovely fragrance. It’s an effective plant for treating insomnia and poor sleep. A recent study found it to be as effective as Valium in relieving anxiety and promoting sleep.

Gardenias need lots of bright indirect sunlight and proper care. It might not be the best option for a first-time plant carer.

6. Spider Plant
Spider plants are true fighters.

They can clear up to 90% of the formaldehyde in the air of your home. This chemical is a potential carcinogen and is found in most buildings. Common sources of formaldehyde include adhesives, grout and fillers used during construction.

Spider plants also absorb odours and fumes, improving overall air quality for you and your family.

7. Valerian
Valerian is a perennial that blooms in the summer and smells sweet. It requires about 6 hours of full sunlight a day.

The blooms were a popular perfume component in the 16th century. The root, on the other hand, was used in tea and tincture to treat insomnia.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, breathing in its scent will speed up the process.

8. English Ivy
English ivy is very simple to grow. It requires very little light to thrive.

This plant has been known to improve symptoms of allergies or asthma. This also translates to better sleep for those with breathing problems. In as little as 12 hours, English Ivy cleans up to 94% of airborne feces and 78% of airborne mould.

Ivy is a trailing plant, so keep it on a tall shelf or in a hanging basket. Make sure to prune it as it grows to keep it out of reach from pets and children.

9. Peace Lily

Also known as spathiphyllum, the peace lily is very easy to care of. It’s very forgiving after periods of neglect and droops when it needs more water.

By suppressing airborne microbes, the peace lily helps relieves allergy symptoms, which can helps relieve those irritating dry noses and throats that keep you awake all night.

This plant also removes benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde toxins from household air. It can increase humidity in a room by up to 5% thanks to the moisture of its flowers.

10. Golden Pothos
Pothos is a hanging plant that requires very little attention.

It can remove almost 9000 micrograms of formaldehyde from the air in as little as 24 hours. It also removes over 70% of airborne benzene in the same time period. Air filtration also occurs within its soil.

If you live in the city, consider placing it near your bedroom window to detoxify any air that may be coming in.