Genius Ideas For Growing Sacks Of Potatoes In Tiny Spaces

Genius Ideas For Growing Sacks Of Potatoes In Tiny Spaces

1. Grow Potatoes in Bags
You can cultivate potatoes in grocery bags. The idea is straightforward to imitate and is absolutely free. To grow potatoes in a grocery store bag, all you have to do is to fill the bag with nutrient-rich loamy soil and plant them. Of course, you will have to add more soil as the plants grow.

2. Growing Potatoes in Sacks
The same procedure used for the bag can be tried to grow potatoes in the burlap sacks and trash bags. You can also grow ginger and sweet potatoes similarly.

3. Growing Potatoes in Pots
Growing potatoes in pots is not difficult. To learn how to do this, read our article!

4. Growing Potatoes in Buckets
Potatoes are one of the only vegetables that can be grown in almost anything. If you have a bucket or a trash can, just plant the potatoes. A 5-10 gallon bucket is ideal.

5. Growing Potatoes in Rows
If you have space, then plant potatoes in your home garden, arranging them in well-spaced rows. Space seed potatoes 8 to 12 inches within the row and 30 to 36 inches between the rows.

6. Planting Potatoes in Straw
You will be going to improve the production of potatoes in the garden with ease, thanks to straw mulching

7. Wooden Potato Tower
The tower of potatoes is a type of raised bed used for cultivation that allows the addition of new soil at different growth stages of the potato plants. To build the potato tower, you can use wood or other recycled materials.

8. Growing Potatoes in Cylinder
For this, take hardware cloth with ¼-inch mesh and make a cylinder about 24 inches high and 18 inches wide in diameter. Fill it with 5-6 inches of soil in the bottom and then plant 4 seed potatoes.

Cover them with 4 inches of soil. Continue to add soil as plants grow. At the time of harvest, lift up the cylinder and remove the soil to pick the potatoes.

9. Growing Potatoes in a Raised bed

Growing potatoes in the raised bed is the number one method to increase productivity. Fewer weeds and improved drainage are a few pros of this method.