How to fight back, and win, against slugs

How to fight back, and win, against slugs

Dealing with slugs can be frustrating, especially if they’re causing damage to your garden or plants. Here are some methods to fight back against slugs and increase your chances of winning the battle:

Barriers: Create physical barriers to prevent slugs from reaching your plants. Use copper tape around pots or raised beds, as slugs dislike touching copper. You can also place a barrier of diatomaceous earth or crushed eggshells around vulnerable plants, as these substances are abrasive to slugs and deter them.

Beer Traps: Sink shallow containers (like saucers or yogurt cups) into the ground near the affected plants. Fill them with beer, which will attract slugs. They will crawl in and drown. Be sure to check and empty the traps regularly.

Handpicking: Go on slug hunts during the evening or early morning when slugs are most active. Wear gloves and manually remove the slugs from your plants. Dispose of them by either drowning in soapy water or relocating them far away from your garden.

Natural Predators: Encourage natural slug predators like birds, frogs, toads, and ground beetles into your garden. Creating a wildlife-friendly environment can help to control the slug population naturally.

Nematodes: Use nematodes (beneficial microscopic worms) that specifically target slugs. These can be purchased as a biological control method and applied to your garden soil.

Coffee Grounds: Spread used coffee grounds around your plants. Slugs dislike caffeine, and this can act as a deterrent.

Salt and Sand: Sprinkle a barrier of salt or sand around your plants. While this can be effective, be cautious as excessive use of salt can harm your soil and plants.

Raised Beds: Consider using raised beds for your plants. Slugs have a harder time climbing elevated structures.

Watering in the Morning: Water your plants in the morning rather than the evening. Slugs are more active at night, so watering in the morning gives the soil a chance to dry out, making it less appealing to slugs.

Prune and Tidy: Slugs often hide in dark, damp places during the day. Keep your garden tidy and remove any potential hiding spots, such as fallen leaves and debris.

Remember that a combination of methods will likely yield the best results. Be patient and persistent in your efforts, as controlling slugs may take some time and ongoing attention.